Friday, July 24, 2009

Going Raw: Day Five

Day five and I'm four pounds lighter. I had to step on my scale two or three times just to make sure my eyes weren't deceiving me. I don't think I've ever lost that much that quick.

Today, I actually overcame my first obstacle. I was asked to go to lunch today by an omnivore and after looking over the menu, I nervously agreed to go. I didn't know what to expect and whether this person would be judgemental or not and whether the food would taste good.

The restaurant was Boka in downtown Seattle. I ordered a starter baby lettuce salad sans cheese and a roasted tomato soup without the croutons. Obviously, this wasn't an all raw lunch but I think I did very well under the circumstances. I even managed to resist the bread and butter that arrived at our table shortly after we arrived.

I'm still going through some pretty rough detox coughing but I didn't have to have a cough drop just to fall asleep last night. Ultimately I'm still really happy with what this is doing for me. I'm still being somewhat paranoid but a lot less so the more and more I become acclimated. I'm starting to worry less about the food I eat (as long as it's raw and not combining starches and proteins) and worrying more about only eating when I'm hungry. That last part is very difficult to do at home since this is where the bulk of my over-eating took place before. I'm still struggling but I'm hoping that after a few weeks it will simply become habit for me to not eat until my body tells me it's time. If only there was a way to get my fridge to shock me when I tried to get in there before it was time.

I'm finding some really fantastic recipes around the web to try out...can't wait =)

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